I have spent most of my adult life as a very busy person, juggling a multitude of roles at once, from entrepreneur, boss, and freelancer, to single mom, teacher, house cleaner, gardener, handywoman, philanthropist, writer, investor, and travel planner – and all of this in a foreign country. I won’t lie. Sometimes its hard to remember how to relax. Many times, friends have asked me how I do it all. Well, as a parent you have to do it. And as a freelancer, or someone with a side hustle, you have to learn it.
They say if you want to get something done, ask a busy person. But what is it exactly that makes busy people more reliable and productive? I will let you in on the secret…
Tip 1: Plan carefully
I constantly hear people complain that they have “no time”. I have never understood this because we are all allotted the same amount of time per day – 24 hours. We all have a choice of what to do with those 24 hours. Every hour of every day, from the time I wake up until the time I go to bed, is planned out in 30-minute blocks of time in my calendar. I color code the blocks in categories: business, personal, prep time, travel time, etc. If I want some personal “me” time, I put it in my schedule. I then work to fill every block of every day. If someone asks me to do something, I look for a free block.
To make this system work, it is very important to start tracking the tasks that you do and noting how much time it takes you. That way you can accurately schedule your tasks in the future. Remember to give yourself a little room too, for slow traffic, etc.
I once had a friend tell me she was feeling really stressed and angry because she had no time. She was a stay-at-home mom whose teenage children were in school all day, and she had a gardener and housekeeper. She complained that she had to go and pick up her daughter from soccer practice (10 minutes away) and that it would take up her entire afternoon and she just didn’t know how she could do it all. Later, I asked her if she had any good TV recommendations. I was floored when she pulled out an excel spreadsheet she had made to track all the series she watches. Looking it over, I realized her viewing hours were equivalent to a full-time job. We all have a choice of how we spend our 24 hours. If you want to get things done, you need to plan those 24 hours more carefully.
Tip 2: Work Efficiently
You can schedule every hour of every day, but you still won’t be productive unless you work efficiently in those time blocks. You have to analyse the tasks that you do repeatedly so that you can create systems.
Automate as much as possible. There are so many apps and devices available to help us work more efficiently. For example, instead of sending multiple email to different clients, create a single newsletter with Mailchimp. Automating your invoicing can also save you hours of work each month.
Repurpose as much as possible. Instead of coming up with individual solutions for each client, create a library of your work that you can easily adapt to multiple clients.
Consolidate similar tasks, scheduling them together so that you can cut down on set-up times and get into a routine, which speeds up the task. For example, set aside one block of time to answer all your email at once.
And don’t waste a minute! Set up a Google Drive, iCloud, or Dropbox so that you have access to all your files on all your devices. Use those 20 minutes waiting time in the car.
Tip 3: Stay on Schedule
There will always be unforeseen events and things that steer us off schedule. That is part of life. Knowing and expecting that ahead of time will save you from a lot of stress. Accept changes with a knowing smile.
However!… Do your best to stay on schedule. That means avoiding distractions at all cost. TV, YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook are your enemies! Stay away from them! They will suck you in, keep you scrolling, and steal your precious time away from you. That is what they are designed to do. If you must check your social media, put it in your schedule and set a timer.
Tip 4: Look Ahead
Part of being a successful freelancer or business owner, is learning to always look ahead. That means looking ahead towards bigger tasks coming up and planning for them, rather than waiting until the last minute. For example, rather than putting off preparing my taxes until the due date, I schedule time at the end of each month to update my accounting. At the beginning of each month I make a list of all upcoming expenses and check them off as they are paid.
Looking ahead also means accepting and planning for change. One of my favorite books is “Who Moved My Cheese”, which teaches us to always be prepared for big changes. I realize that my income as a freelancer or business owner will be inconsistent or seasonal, so I plan ahead by saving for the sparse months. I realize that clients come and go, so I don’t allow myself to become too comfortable. I am always looking for the next client or job.
Tip 5: Keep The Momentum Going
A lot of people seem to wait until they feel motivated before they take action. But actually, its the other way around. Forcing myself to take a small action usually starts the process of creating motivation. I really hate exercising. So I tell myself, “You only have to go out for 30 minutes, and you only have to walk today. You can take it easy. You don’t have to jog.” And yes, I always believe myself. But what I found is that after walking for 20 minutes, I usually feel so much more energetic that I want jog and usually stay out for much longer!
Every small action starts the momentum. The more I do, the more I want to do, and the more I can do. And that is why busy people get things done.